Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero was established in 1998 to foster the creation and development of innovative businesses and to connect the business world to research centres and universities.
The Park attracts large investments such as multinationals and start-ups choose to set up to develop their business.
Bioindustry Park is an outstanding example of public-private cooperation that combines industrial capacity and general interest.
Bioindustry Park promotes opportunities for institutions, local and international companies, clusters and other science parks to cooperate and form partnerships.
Bioindustry Park is a member of InnovUp, Italian Innovation & Startup Ecosystem, IASP International Association of Science Parks and Area Innovation and contributes to ALISEI (Advanced Life Science in Italy), the national Life Sciences cluster that promotes and enhances cooperation and innovation, networking the best experiences in Italy set up by companies, universities, public research institutions, advanced production facilities and high value-added services. Recently Bioindustry Park became partner of Sistema Invitalia Startup.

Businesses and the park
Bioindustry Park hosts companies, universities, associations and research centres offering them an agreeable and stimulating location addressing their the needs for efficiency, quality and image.
Bioindustry Park hosts and promotes R&D, the study of innovative medical devices and production.

Bioindustry Park hosts and promotes R&D, the study of innovative medical devices and production.

At Bioindustry Park training programmes go hand in hand with research and production and the on-campus ITS Biotechnology and New Life Sciences Foundation.
Bioindustry is a partner of
Bioindustry Park is committed to networking and believes in the power of cooperating and sharing experiences with institutions, local businesses and international companies.
Bioindustry Park manages the innovative bioPmed cluster, that the Region Piedmont promoted in the framework of the POR-FESR 2007-2013 programme.
The bioPmed Innovation Cluster associates businesses, research centres, universities and foundations in the field of Human Health and Life Sciences, and favours interactions between research & industry stimulating innovation.

In 2015 ESCA – the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis Bioindustry Park awarded Bi.P.Ca the European certification "Gold Label for Excellence of Cluster Management" which it has held thereafter.